


Free guide: The science of DNA based hair loss treatment

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24 Jul 2023

The 5 steps in our precision hair loss treatment process.


This article is intended to give you an understanding of what to expect from our precision hair loss treatment process.  Roots by Genetic Arts is the only hair loss solution that factors your DNA biomarkers related to your susceptibility to, and need for certain hair loss pharmaceutical ingredients. 

How long does the entire process take? 

Once you submit your questionnaire, and send in your test sample – you should receive your topical within two-three weeks.

The 5 steps to a personalized hair loss treatment  

  1. Genetic Test  
  • The first step you will need to take is the genetic test cheek swab, and send that back to us in the pre-paid envelope. If you’ve just ordered your test kit, it should arrive within 3-5 days. Tracking will be sent to your email. 
  • With the genetic test, we are looking at 48 different gene variations and biomarkers associated with hair loss and the specific genes known to be associated with how you’ll respond to treatment apis.  You can read more about how genetic biomarkers impact hair loss treatment here : Genetics and Personalized Hair Loss Treatment  

2. Questionnaire 

  • We then take into account your family history, lifestyle data and any prior known reactions to certain ingredients we might use. 
  • You will fill this questionnaire out in your Roots by GA online portal (sign in with the email you made your purchase with).
    • If you have any issues logging in please feel free to email help@rootsbyga.com , or use the password reset link on the log in page. 



3. Report results

  • As a result of our automated qualitative pharmacogenetic algorithm we use your genetic data and combine this information with the relevant history in your questionnaire to recommend the most suitable active ingredients for hair loss. 
    • For a list of all the different APIs we select from see this documentation
    • Note: Roots by Genetic Arts has the most complete and broadest list of apis on the market so that we can truly personalize each and every customer’s topical.
  • Next, we show on a color scale which compounds the algorithm recommends the most. The transition from white to dark green indicates medications and ingredients from least recommended to most recommended. Medications blocked due to intolerances or contraindications are shown in red. The percentages indicated are the greatest impact those solutions would have on you. 
  • If anything is blank or white, that means there is no information or percentage on exactly how you would react to this ingredient. Thus, it would not be harmful at this point to potentially include/exclude this in your compound. 
  • Taking all of this information into account, our diagnostic test would recommend a prescription. 
  • All of this information then gets shared with our Board Certified Dermatologists.



4. Doctor review and consultation

  • You’ll be assigned a board certified dermatologist with experience in hair loss treatment.
  • The doctor will review your questionnaire, and genetic report recommendations for hair loss treatment. They will take into account any notes you have shared through the questionnaire. This will inform them on any prior reactions, contraindications, and things that might not work from prior experience.
  • If the doctor needs to make changes to your recommended prescription from the report, this is where changes are manually made. A dermatologist might adjust the dosage, include additional ingredients that might be beneficial that didn’t not appear on the suggested prescription.
  • After a prescription is fully approved, the doctor will send you an email with a link that allows you to open a communication channel with them. Should you have any questions or additional comments, this is where you can connect and share information with your physician.
  • Keep in mind, all ingredients and percentages from the report may work together in one mixture, so the doctor will consider different dosages and potentially can replace an active ingredient with something else more stable in combination with your other recommended ingredients.  

Once a prescription is approved, you will not be able to make any changes at the moment. This is something we are working on and should have available soon! 



5. Compound pharmacy

  • Our pharmacy has more than three decades of patient-specific compounding experience
  • Every order is made bespoke and on demand, just for you each month 
  • Our team hand makes each prescription with the highest quality ingredients, review process with along with various checkpoints
  • Each ingredients included has gone through a rigorous quality and regulatory are approval process



5. Recurring treatment shipments (subscription)


From the date your first topical ships, we’ll set the recurring bill and ship date to every 25 days from that date to ensure you always have your treatment. If for any reason you need to pause, or cancel you can do so from your account page on rootsbyga.com.


As a result of these steps, you will get your truly custom topical serum that went through the most rigorous process to confirm you are getting the most precise solution for your hair loss needs. 

Roots by Genetic Arts is a high touch across all parts of our process to ensure that we give you the best chance of hair growth success. 

For more information, reach out to us at help@rootsbyga.com 


Ready to start the most precise hair loss solution: Get your starter kit today.


Clinical team, Genetic Arts

24 Jul 2023